Hot Weekend in So. Cal
It seems like Summer has finally arrived in Southern California! According to the Pasadena Star News, temperatures are expected to hit the mid- to upper- 90s in the much of the San Gabriel Valley, while the Foothill areas can expect to top 100 degrees. Please follow the following tips for staying safe during the heat wave:
- Stay hydrated!!! Drink plenty of water and other fluids (alcoholic beverages don’t count)
- Wear appropriate clothing such as light-weight and/or loose-fitting clothing
- Change your exercise routine to early morning or late evening
- Stay indoor (air-conditioned if possible). If you don’t have a/c in your home, go to the mall, watch a movie at the theater or stop by a community cooling center
- Make sure to wear sunscreen when you are outside
- Check in on your family, friends and neighbors who are elderly or ill, and don’t forget your pets
- NEVER leave anyone in a parked car. Not a child, not a pet, not anyone!!!